Promote diversity, equity and inclusion as integral to the way we do business

CGI is committed to implementing a policy in favor of the integration of disabilities that goes beyond the sole response to a legal constraint and to encourage digital vocations. We are convinced that diversity coupled with this approach favors the emergence of talent. CGI no simply carries out actions with its employees. We are investing wherever it’s possible in the development of these issues because we want to be a leader in this area. This is anchored in our culture. We take initiatives to act and to get people to act.

Inclusion and diversity

Diversity and inclusion: it’s up to leaders to make a difference


We help our clients make diversity become a key asset for their organization.

  • CGI supports its clients in realizing their corporate social responsibility and optimizing the employment contribution of workers with disabilities, thanks to an original Handi-Ready flash diagnostic approach
  • We integrate up to a quarter of disabled people on IT projects co-developed by our teams and adapted companies in Europe.
  • We offer our members free and anonymous access to neuro-psychological pre-diagnosis. Our clients can benefit from our experience in this field.
  • With more than 33% women in its workforce worldwide, CGI is a co-founder of Femmes@Numérique which brings together companies committed to the necessary inclusion of women in the digital sector.
  • CGI has created a global network of women in IT called the “EssenTIals"
  • Gender Equality Index

Digital Vocations

Accelerating your digital journey


CGI is committed to identifying and supporting tomorrow's talent at an early stage:

  • Digital is an opportunity for all! CGI is the 1st IT company to create its own development school – U’DEV - offering an end-to-end path for its students, from work-study to a permanent contract. More than 500 students have already been trained and more than 300 students have been hired at the end of the program.
  • We have set up a global mentoring program aimed at guiding students towards STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers, increasing their technology and management skills, in the service of the digital society
  • CGI has been a sponsor of the TEKNIK foundation since 2016, enabling secondary school students to discover digital professions and encourage them to take up careers in the field