Kyle Burke

Kyle Burke

Senior Managing Consultant - Enterprise Agile Coach

In the 1950s when the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) first emerged, it was seen as a means to build computers capable of undertaking tasks that would typically require human intelligence.  Since then, AI has developed exponentially thanks to sophisticated algorithms, models and technologies like robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing with increased data accessibility; and novel technologies, such as deep learning, capable of handling more difficult problems.

Organisations that do not embrace these technologies do so at their own peril and risk losing their competitive advantage. But even if you are aware of this, how do you use AI to improve your ways of working and add business value?

This blog will explore how AI is changing Agile practices, and in particular what opportunities this presents for businesses.

Driving efficiency improvements with AI Automation

Automating repetitive work is one of the most important adjustments AI can make for Agile teams. Testing, issue tracking, and even automated documentation capability that already exists, can be more easily expanded and enhanced through AI, substantially freeing up team members' time to work on more strategic and innovative tasks.

Moreover, by foreseeing possible problems, and prioritising work based on its relevance and impact, AI supports teams to work more effectively and efficiently; while AI-powered tools utilised in software development, like automated code review, testing, bug detection and classification allow for faster identification and resolution of errors and bugs, improving the quality and speed of work.

Accurate data analytics and response to market trends

AI is also changing Agile working practises by giving teams access to more precise and useful data. With the help of AI-powered analytics and data visualisation tools, Agile teams can access and analyse enormous amounts of data in real-time, enabling better decision-making, a faster response to changes in the market, as well as better understanding clients’ needs.

Communication within teams is also improved as everyone has access to the same information, and can make data-driven decisions, helping to create the better outcomes for clients, while enhancing feedback loops and user centricity.

Precise planning and predictability

AI is dramatically transforming the way that Agile teams approach planning and forecasting. AI-powered forecasting and planning tools enable more precise and realistic plans and projections, helping to increase predictability and reduce uncertainty, therefore ensuring confidence is maintained with clients, partners, and key stakeholders.

Agile teams are also more equipped to accurately predict the amount of time and resources required to deliver a project, improving resource allocation as well as programme and portfolio leadership. End-to-end solutions may one day be based on BIG data analysis and AI predictions, where AI would autonomously produce solutions before the end user knows they need it.

Roles, responsibilities, and Agile Leadership

Roles may be challenged by the inclusion of AI in Agile ways of working, and if you aren’t able to adapt, you risk roles becoming obsolete. However, adaptable team responsibilities and structures are beneficial when AI automates repetitive tasks and helps team members to learn new AI skills and fill newly created roles, for example ‘Prompt Engineers’.  This will require considerable investment in training and development to increase the value that agile teams can leverage from correctly adopting AI capabilities.

The use of AI within Agile working practises undoubtedly opens-up possibilities for programme and product management. Project leaders have an essential role to play by: 

  • Understanding how AI functions and integrate with projects.
  • Collaborating and successfully leading diverse teams of AI specialists in an agile way.
  • Recognising and managing risks while maintaining project Agility.

Additionally, new AI roles built into applications and delivery tools, will emerge; for example, autonomous specialists such as ’AI Project Managers or AI Scrum Masters’ that would facilitate self-managing Agile teams with more accurate decision-making. These capabilities are already available and take the form of recommendations and suggestions in applications and tools but will be further enhanced through AI.

Capitalise on benefits

It’s time organisations begin to strategically plan to capitalise on the benefits created by AI capabilities to increase their business agility. Agile teams can increase productivity and improve decision-making by leveraging AI-powered tools and produce more accurate plans and projections.

Is your organisation ready to embrace AI's capabilities and make the necessary investments to be at the cutting edge? If not, what steps can you take to make sure your company is prepared to benefit from AI and maintain its competitiveness in the current fast-paced economic landscape?

CGI is a trusted Artificial Intelligence expert, helping clients deliver responsible AI. We combine our end-to-end capabilities in data science and machine learning with deep domain knowledge and technology engineering skills to generate new insights, experiences and business models powered by AI.

Get in touch to learn more about how our Agile Digital Services team can help you accelerate your digital agility.

About this author

Kyle Burke

Kyle Burke

Senior Managing Consultant - Enterprise Agile Coach

Kyle joined CGI in 2019 to lead a number of business transformations. He is currently a key member of the leadership group for the Agile Digital Services practice in the UK. His areas of ...