At Telco Next

Dive deep into the insights from communication and media GCC captains, ecosystem partners and CGI leadership.

Explore best practices from leading GCCs on managing transformations and navigating industry challenges.

Navigate Telco to Techco transformations and emerging growth avenues/strategies in the Telco and Media landscape.

Showcase capabilities and offerings from partners and clients.

Telco Next 2024

In partnership with

Telcos Transformation

Powering what’s next for the Telcos. Explore the key strategies for transformation from Telco to a Techco. Join us as we discuss the future of telecommunications and wat’s next.

Emerging Growth Avenues for Telcos

Emerging tech and innovation are shaping the future of telcos. Join us to know how to gain market share through integrated and interoperable digital platforms for new service and monetize technology assets/ IPs..


Harnessing Partners Ecosystem: Deriving Value for GCCs

Harness an ecosystemic approach to get the best of all worlds. Partnerships enable telcos to go beyond the traditional and embrace radical innovation. Join us as we show to harness a partner ecosystem successfully.


09:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.– Registration, Networking Tea
10:00 A.M – 10:15 A.M.– Welcome Address
10:20 A.M. – 10:50 A.M. – Keynote: Emerging growth avenues for telcos
10:55 A.M. – 11:15 A.M. CGI Differentiators
11:15 A.M. – 11:45 A.M. – Coffee & Tea Break
11:50 A.M. – 12:35 P.M. – Panel Discussion: Transforming Telco (GCC as Innovation Hub and Accelerator for Telco to TechCo transformation)
12:40 P.M. – 12:55 P.M. – CGI APAC President Address: CGI - Partner for your success
01:00 P.M. – 02:30 P.M. – Lunch + Roundtable Discussion (by invite only) Theme: Bringing value to GCCs
02:35 P.M. – 03:05 P.M.– Partner Showcase
03:10 P.M. – 03:40 P.M. – Fireside chat: Scaling Innovation for Telco
03:45 P.M. – 04:00 P.M. – Closing Remarks
04:00 P.M. - Hi-Tea and Networking