Annually, CGI leaders around the world meet face-to-face with business and IT executives to gather their perspectives on the trends affecting their enterprises, including business and IT priorities, IT spending, budgets and investment plans. In 2020, we conducted in-person interviews with 66 client executives in the payer, provider and government health sectors. These executives indicate a continued focus on meeting customer and patient expectations.

Interviews were conducted before and after the pandemic declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, providing unique insights into evolving priorities. We provide a short summary of some of these insights here.

Becoming digital continues as top trend

Healthcare industry trends have remained steady over the last year, with one exception. Budget pressures due to an ageing population have risen in impact above mergers, divestitures and acquisition strategies.

2020 top trends by impact

  1. Becoming digital organisations
  2. Protecting through cybersecurity
  3. Interoperability and standards
  4. Health reform driving compliance
  5. Budget pressures due to ageing populations


Post-pandemic declaration trends show drop in becoming digital, rise in interoperability

When comparing interviews before and after the pandemic declaration by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, becoming digital organisations lessens in impact as a trend (-19%) while interoperability rises (+15%).

Results from digital strategies increase

This year, 86% of healthcare executives report they have some form of a digital strategy in place, up from 83% last year. Of those, 49% indicate they have an enterprise-wide strategy, but just 19% report their enterprise strategy extends to their external ecosystem. Rising 8 points from 2019, 14% of executives now say their organisation is producing results from digital strategies.

Few executives cite having highly agile business models for digitisation

Only 20% of executives say their business model is highly agile (score of 8 or higher on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 highest) when it comes to addressing digitisation, up 5 points from 2019.

Interest in substantial managed services rises post-pandemic declaration

This year we asked healthcare executives to share why they use managed services and how they plan to leverage them. The top reasons are to save costs and to maintain control.

% planning to leverage substantial managed applications in 3 years

53% 2020 post declaration
39% 2020 prior to declaration
35% 2019

Benchmarking clients’ satisfaction with their own IT organisation

2020 CGI Client Global Insights Health IT Satisfaction Chart
(Scores from 1 to 10, with 10 most satisfied, showing 3 out of 10 available attributes)

For the third year, business and IT executives interviewed ranked their satisfaction with their own IT organisations based on the 10 key attributes of a world-class IT organisation. For most attributes, business leaders report lower satisfaction levels with internal IT compared to IT leaders, and  introducing innovation consistently earns the lowest average score.

Learn more about the 2020 CGI Client Global Insights.

Learn more about the CGI in Health.

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