At CGI, the journey isn't just about where you'll go – it's about how far you'll grow. In this article CGI Partner and Business Analyst Oliver Hay speaks about how he’s realised it's not just about being part of the team; it's about leading the change.

May 2024

If you'd have told me five years ago that I would be contributing to major digital transformation initiatives in the UK Government Justice sector as a Business Analyst, I would have been genuinely excited, if a little bit surprised! But today, that’s my reality, working in a role that requires technical insight, business agility and collaboration – all qualities I've honed throughout my career journey which you can find out more about below.

Taking a leap: My evolution as a Business Analyst

My journey in Business Analysis started at NAVBLUE - an AIRBUS Company, where I was integral in enhancing digital processes. I then joined Ofgem, where my contributions to digital transformation reinforced my interest and passion for the field, and now I’m a Lead Business Analyst at CGI, working on a large digital transformation initiative for the Justice sector within the UK Government. Each position has allowed me to fine-tune my analytical skills, collaborate with an array of experts and lead initiatives that have real-world impact – driving not just business efficiencies, but also contributing to the public good.

The translation of skills: Carrying expertise forward

The skills I refined in my initial roles – spotting tendencies within data and guiding strategic decisions – are the very ones that amplify my capabilities in my current position at CGI. My commitment to grasping the full user experience has led to meaningful enhancements in operational workflows. Tools and methodologies at my disposal have consistently offered pathways to actionable insights; insights that push businesses ahead and align with CGI's forward-thinking momentum.

Career progression: A symbiosis of CGI UK

Reflecting on what has propelled my career, it's unsurprising that my expertise in business analysis has been key! Staying current with industry updates and pursuing certifications are critical, but it’s my professional network – a community that underpins career development with insights and support – that has served as a nourishing foundation for my ambitions. Collaborating with fellow CGI Partners, the term CGI uses to refer to its employees, allows for ongoing knowledge exchange and fosters a supportive environment where we can all provide guidance and insights to help navigate career pathways effectively. By being part of a professional network and having open conversations, I've been able to align my career aspirations and receive invaluable support in steering my professional journey.

Nurturing talent: How CGI drive professional growth

As a CGI Partner I am continually presented with opportunities for development, and CGI's wide variety of training programmes and internal learning platforms have played an important role along my journey. The added benefit of a personalised career path, alongside supportive mentorship from line managers offering guidance and constructive feedback, has amplified my experience as a Business Analyst. You are encouraged to showcase your skills and contributions day-to-day, leading to promotion and advancement opportunities based on merit, and there is a clear commitment to growth and development to promote a talented and skilled workforce.

My journey: An evolution of goals, skills, and attitude

Over the past five years, my focus has shifted from capturing requirements to driving strategic organisational change. Heightened by the swift evolution of technology, my skills have evolved to keep pace, particularly in Agile methodologies and AI. My attitude, too, has matured: I'm proactive, client-centric – now a trusted advisor who anticipates and adapts to industry trends with a renewed sense of purpose.

The CGI experience: Cultivating ambition

CGI stands out as a unique ground for career advancement. Its global footprint offers diverse opportunities and its dedication to using state-of-the-art technologies provides an environment of innovation and co-operation. CGI's commitment to diversity and inclusion creates a space where individual contributions are not only valued but vital for collective success. It's a company positioned to help people flourish professionally.

The shared specialism community at CGI is more than a network; it's a platform for exchanging insights, best practices, and lessons learned, fostering professional growth and being aware of industry trends. The community also provides invaluable networking opportunities, facilitating connections with other CGI Partners, mentors, and industry experts, leading to potential collaborations, mentorship and career progression.

Moreover, participating in the community grants access to professional development resources like workshops, webinars, and conferences tailored to its needs and aiding in skill enhancement. And there is a lot of softer support within the community, offering encouragement, advice and moral support during challenging times, fostering resilience and motivation.

If my journey resonates with you, or if you're seeking an environment that prioritises growth, consider looking at opportunities available at CGI.

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