Tell us your career story


I started as a part-time software tester for an e-commerce project, then made a short stop at EA for mobile compliance testing. When being there I realized that I enjoy working on night shifts, but game testing was not really for me, so I wanted to move to something more interesting and that is how I got to Meti in December 2017. I had no idea what monitoring is, but my manager promise that I wouldn’t get bored made me want to try it. Now, 4 years later, I’m proud to say that I couldn’t choose better, I love what I do, I have some great colleagues and I’m able to balance my work and personal life.


How do you juggle the role of a mother of three kids and the one of a Customer Service Analyst?

Way easier than it seems at first sight. J One of the main perks of working during the night is the ability to spend the day with them (me and sleep once had a beautiful relationship, but broke up during my teenage years), sometimes I’m not sure they realize that mom also has a job. However, since the pandemic and online school started, the girls spend most of their time at grandma’s, so I feel like I only have one kid, the others are just part-time.

Why women should pursue a career in IT?

Well, why not?  We have women in the army, so IT shouldn’t be a problem at all.

A piece of advice all women should hear?

Not just women, but I think everyone should learn that there’s no difference between men and women in the professional environment, unless they create them.

Fun fact: When I had my first interview, my manager insisted on the fact that I would be the only woman in the night team and wanted to be sure I’d be alright with that. I didn’t understand why she felt the need to ask that, but when I got to meet my colleagues and I saw how funny they acted when I was around, I realized that I was the tiny alien they had to be nice in front of, watching their mouths and, well, not being themselves. I think they needed a year or so to not say ‘sorry’ every 5 minutes for something. After getting past that, I can honestly say that being the only woman in the team is awesome, I feel like a spoiled child. Except for when they want to go to karting or shooting stuff, which is not nice.