For the eleventh consecutive year, CGI has sponsored The Global Treasurer’s Transaction Banking Survey, which offers insights into the corporate-to-bank relationship. This year’s data reveals that navigating uncertainties and preparing for future risks are top of mind for both corporates and their banking partners.

For treasurers, gaining control and insight into the state of play has become more challenging as market pressures persist on global and regional stages. For banks, the outlook is similarly restrained, as industry and market stresses are expected to continue well into 2024.

Other key findings:

  • Payments and cash management remain key competitive areas for corporates, with pressure on banks to provide real-time accessibility and visibility
  • More banks are looking to offer multiple services through single portals and build out API accessibility in the coming years
  • Banks are prioritizing customer experience as a core competitive differentiator to help sustain and develop future strategic relationships

We invite you to register to download the report and leverage this valuable research to help prioritize your initiatives.

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