The new Sustainability Exploration Environmental Data Science (SEEDS) program is an exciting research initiative to challenge the thinking and practice around sustainability. It will develop ground-breaking products and solutions, providing benefits for governments, businesses, and individuals.

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Researcher holding seedling specimen


Accelerating the transition to a sustainable future through technology, research, and innovation.

Mission Statement

To harness the power of technology, research, and innovation to create positive environmental and social change, and foster access to technological sustainability solutions.


Two consultants in a server room

Data Centers

SEEDS specializes in reducing emissions and waste from data centers. It is predicted that data centers could reduce up to 88% of their emissions. The number of data centers worldwide has grown from 500,000 in 2012 to more than 8 million. The energy used by data centers continues to double every four years, with total global emissions estimated to rise to 14% by 2040 from 3.2%.


Blog Robert Musters


Global emissions from agriculture totaled 10.7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2e) in 2019. This was the second consecutive year that emissions from agriculture increased. Global agricultural emissions from farm gate (selling goods directly from the farm) and land use change processes have remained relatively stable over the last three decades. However, in Africa, farm-gate and land use-related emissions increased over the entire 2000–2018 period by 38% and 20%, respectively.

Software engineer coding on multiple screens - Application Services


Software is an overlooked factor partly responsible for driving up carbon emissions from the tech sector. The way software is designed, developed, and deployed can have a significant impact on energy consumption.

Birds-eye view of water treatment center

Water Management

Water pollution negatively impacts human health and the environment. Effective management of water using technological innovations is needed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and other gases. 

The SEEDS program includes representatives from CGI, the UN, and numerous universities.

Visit our UK site to meet the SEEDS members