CGI TestSavvy diagram

Increase test automation coverage

Traditional test automation coverage generally tops out at around 30% in any current release. With CGI TestSavvy, organizations can achieve as much as 60% to 80% automated test coverage.

This is because CGI TestSavvy provides manual testers and business analysts with a simple, scenario-based, drag-and-drop web interface to build automated test cases for applications. Coding and scripting knowledge are not required. Tests are automatically translated into code for automated execution and reporting.

Reduce testing costs and risks

Traditional test automation can be expensive and often takes time to be ready before test cases are executed.

CGI TestSavvy delivers reliable results while reducing costs. We optimize and enhance testing through a blend of best practices and software that facilitate speed, throughput and quality while reducing risk.

If you run into an automation issue, we analyze your workflow and develop a solution that is easy for CGI TestSavvy users.

employees working on a coding script
two employees discussing in front of a computer

Simplify automation maintenance

CGI TestSavvy provides a single point of maintenance for scenarios, data and interface mappings. Its unique autosync feature simplifies modifications in rapidly changing environments, such as agile projects, and keeps all data completely up-to-date and in sync.

When the application under test (AUT) changes, users can update the interface through a single point of maintenance. CGI TestSavvy automatically updates the scenarios and test cases with new steps to run.

  • Turn testers into automators
    Automate test cases without coding or scripting knowledge.
  • Focus on high-value scenarios
    Prioritize user acceptance testing and end-to-end, high-value test cases.
  • Automate more cases
    Overcome limitations from traditional coding-based tools with features that allow partial automation and the automation of several technologies in a single platform.
  • Update cases faster
    Anticipate changes in automation early to update test cases faster to meet aggressive timelines.


CGI TestSavvy is a registered trademark of CGI Inc. or its related companies.

  • Shift-left testing
    Build and automate test cases as early as possible (design phase) and with the least effort for maintenance.
  • Use data flexibly
    Use static data, query databases or spreadsheets, or generate dynamic data to run tests.
  • Choose scheduled or on-demand tests
    Schedule tests automatically or on-demand with detailed test results and screenshots. Teams can run the test suite on virtual machines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unattended.
  • Integrate with leading tools
    Integrate with leading DevOps and test management tools.